DSC_0015Delegate – £ 95.00 GBP + 20% UK VAT

The fee includes admission to the conference, coffees and buffet lunch

Access to the presentations after the conference

>>> Delegate registration form

DSC_0003Mining Company presentation – £ 1,000.00 GBP + 20% UK VAT

The fee includes 20-minute presentation slot, participation in the follow-up panel discussion, 2 complimentary admission passes for presenter and one more company representative at the conference, 10 complimentary admission passes for eligible investors, distribution of promotional materials during the conference, logo and company description on the conference website, video-recording and live broadcasting of the presentation via the conference website, feature of the presentation video in MINEX Forum post-conference newsletter.

>>> Presentation booking form

DSC_0973Conference sponsor – £ 2,000.00  GBP + 20% UK VAT

Sponsors are eligible for speaking and moderating opportunity at one of the conference sessions and panel discussions, 5 complimentary admission passes for presenter and company representatives at the conference, table-top stand at the conference, logo and full colour advertising page in the conference catalogue, logo on promotional materials and banners, logo and corporate profile on the conference website, video-recording and live broadcasting of the sponsored session via the conference website, feature of the presentation video in MINEX Forum post-conference newsletter.

>>> Sponsorhip registration form


InvestorLimited guest passes are available to eligible investors

Investor passes are allocated to buy-side investors in the mining sector. Buy-side investor would be a person who represents buy side money management firms such as mutual funds, pension funds, trusts, hedge funds or family office. Advisories and corporate finance providers are considered service-side and do not qualify for investor pass.

>>>Investor verification form

DSC_0020Media – Limited places are available to mining journalists and analysts

Qualifying categories considered for journalist accreditation:

– Editor or journalist writing for mainstream mining publication
– Mining or Investment letter writer
– Mining blogger
– Equity research company

>>>Journalist accreditation form